Wallow in the past
Joy goes elsewhere
Hold fear of the future
Joy will elude you.
Be in the present
Have faith in yourself
Have faith in your journey
For that is where joy will find you.
I was awoken this morning with the word Joy. I lay in the darkness pondering joy in my life and realising how easy it is to allow joy to slip from us at times. I arose and began my morning writings, asking for guidance on joy.
"It is our forgetfulness of who we are at Soul level, that we allow our earthly life to cloud us, to not remember that joy resides within us all. It is for each person to find their own path to joy and to know how to step back into joy when their energies, their beliefs in themselves have declined. When your joy is low, so is your light. You were created to know only joy. Find this again within yourself and embrace your joy, embrace your light."